Attorney General of Canada, et al. v. Collins Family Trust, et al. (39383)

Posted on: 2022-01-12


Two corporations implemented a plan devised by a tax professional to protect corporate assets from future creditors. The plans were intended not to incur income tax liability. In part, the plans involved each corporation issuing dividends to a newly-created family trust. The effectiveness of the plan depended on a widely-accepted interpretation of s. 75(2) of the Income Tax Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.). At the time the plans were implemented, the interpretation was shared by Canada Revenue Agency. Sommerer v. Canada, 2011 TCC 21, affirmed 2012 FCA 207, subsequently adopted a narrower interpretation of s. 75(2). Canada Revenue Agency issued notices of reassessment to each family trust for the taxation years in which dividends were paid. Objections to the reassessments were unsuccessful. The Supreme Court of British Columbia granted equitable recission of the payments of dividends. The Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal.

Argued Date



Taxation - Equity, Remedy (s. 24), Remedies - Taxation - Equity - Remedies - Equitable rescission - Tax professionals devise plans to shelter corporations’ assets from potential future creditors - Corporations implement plan and each in part issues dividends to family trusts - Plans consistent with Canada Revenue Agency’s interpretation of s. 75(2) of Income Tax Act -Tax Court of Canada adopts narrower interpretation of s. 75(2) - Dividends to family trusts trigger unanticipated income tax liabilities - Whether equitable remedy of rescission available to unwind transactions - What is the test for equitable recission - Whether equitable relief should be granted when alternative remedies are available?.


(British Columbia) (Civil) (By Leave)


This podcast is created as a public service to promote public access and awareness of the workings of Canada's highest court. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Court. The original version of this hearing may be found on the Supreme Court of Canada's website. The above case summary was prepared by the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (Law Branch).